Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mouse Tales Press News (and Pushcart Prize Nominations)

Typesetting Before Computers

Meet Our Proofreader

September 2013 marked three years since the birth of Mouse Tales Press; it has been a wonderful ride so far and I’m happy to report that this year we began offering a print version of each issue, available through the print-on-demand service Mag Cloud. This change has brought with it the need for a proofreader, which brings me to the very happy announcement that Carrie Wicks has joined our (now three-person) crew.

Carrie has an extensive background as a proofreader and editorial assistant, among other things. Please watch for an updated “About” section on our website where you will be able to read her full bio.

Pushcart Prize Nominations

In other news, since bringing Carrie on board, we have been hard at work selecting our Pushcart Prize nominations for 2013. Many thanks go to Khara House of Our Lost Jungle for assisting in making the final poetry selections.

Our nominations are as follows:

Short Stories


A big thank you to everyone for your continued support of Mouse Tales Press!
